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Romero-Lankao, P., H. Qin*, and M. Borbo-Cordova. 2013. Exploration of health risks related to air pollution and temperature in three Latin American Cities. Social Science & Medicine 83: 110-118 (*corresponding author).

Qin, H. and C. G. Flint. 2012. Integrating rural livelihoods and community interaction into migration and environment research. Society & Natural Resources 25(10): 1056-1065.  

Qin, H. and C. G. Flint. 2012. The impacts of rural labor out-migration on community interaction and implications for rural environmental conservation in Southwest China. Human Organization 71(2): 135-148.

Romero-Lankao, P., H. Qin*, and K. Dickinson. 2012. Urban vulnerability to temperature-related hazards: A meta-analysis and meta-knowledge approach. Global Environmental Change 22(3): 670-683 (*corresponding author).

Qin, H. 2010. Rural-to-urban labor migration, household livelihoods, and the rural environment in Chongqing Municipality, Southwest China.Human Ecology 38(5): 675-690.

Qin, H. and C. G. Flint. 2010. Toward a transdisciplinary environmental and resource sociology in China. Society & Natural Resources 23(11): 1123-1131 (fully reprinted in Chinese in Resources Science 2012, 34(6): 1184-1191).

Qin, H. and C. G. Flint. 2010. Capturing the community context of human response to forest disturbance by insects: A Multi-Method Assessment. HumanEcology 38(4): 567-579.

秦华与科特尼×弗林特, 《建构垮学科的中国环境与资源社会学》, 《资源科学》, 2012年第6, 页码: 1184-1191 (英文论文的授权重印).

秦华与任大鹏, 《对公民法律意识的量表测量: 一个基于调查数据的分析与探讨》, 《法学家》, 2009年第5, 页码: 111-119. 

秦华与科特尼×弗林特, 《西方环境社会学与自然资源社会学概论》, 《国外社会科学》, 2009年第2, 页码: 4-11.



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